A Place for all Interested in the Exchange of Ideas about Earth Science
The San Diego Geological Society, Inc. is a group of geologists and interested participants in the greater San Diego, California, region working to promote awareness of geology and related fields. The Society was founded in 2008. Our primary objective is education of professional geologists, students, and the general public on all fields of earth science. To achieve our primary educational objective, the Society organizes frequent field trips and maintains a program of monthly meetings featuring speakers on current geological topics. We also publish field trip guidebooks and other publications related to geology and natural history. We encourage scholarship and research by awarding scholarships from the elementary through graduate levels. the Society seeks to work closely with other organizations dedicated to objectives involving the earth sciences, leveraging our combined expertise. Our Mission Statement provides additional information.
When we're not banging on rocks, we can be found at the local bar or taking off for a high adventure.
San Diego Geological Society, Inc.
3130 North Evergreen St.
San Diego, California 92110
Tel: 619-571-3470